Nationwide Blackout As Power Grid Collapses Again

Nigeria’s power supply has once again plummeted, falling from a high of 3,594.60 megawatts (MW) about 1:00 a.m. to a frightening 42.7 MW at the time of submitting this report.
The Delta Power plant was the only operating power plant on the grid as of midday today, generating 41.00MW, while Afam provided only 1.7MW.
This incidence comes on the heels of two previous grid failures in less than a 12-hour span, which plunged the country into utter darkness.
EnergyPlanets reported last week Wednesday that the country’s energy grid had failed, resulting in a blackout.
The Minister of Power blamed the grid outage on a fire at the Kainji/Jebba power facility.